Reno NV Church

Anointed Worship & On-Fire Teaching!
Crosswinds Assembly of God
2100 El Rancho Drive Sparks, NV 89431 (775) 331-2424
Sat 6 pm Sunday 9:30 am & 11 am

Evangelism - The Core of Pentecostal Worship and the Heart of God's Mission: Crosswinds Assembly of God is a pentecostal church that seeks to encourage, empower and equip the Body of Christ in all settings and to embrace evangelism as the heart of God's mission. Our Evangelism Ministry Team has a strong desire to reach across all boundaries to touch the lives of adults, youth and children in all walks of life.

Evangelism Is Multidimensional: the Evangelism Ministry Team works with local church pastors, lay leaders, entire congregations, associations, conferences and networks of churches providing encouragement, resources and services. We assist churches in proclaiming the gospel within the congregation and community to those seeking to find a church home and develop or renew their spiritual life.

Reaching Out to Today's Youth and Tomorrow's Great Spiritual Leaders: Some of the services available include addressing church renewal and revitalization, generational issues, spiritual growth, contemporary worship services, attracting and maintaining new members, developing a vision and mission for the church, ministry to and for men and women, designing retreats, conducting revivals, and providing guidelines for evaluating the current and future work of the church. We also help local congregations, associations, and conferences to develop a deeper understanding as to how a shared and strong financial foundation for new and renewing congregations is fundamental to proclaiming the Good News.

Our primary goal
is to strengthen the mission of the local church in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pentecostal Church Developing New and Renewing Congregational Assemblies. We also work with associations and conferences in assessing the need for new churches and assist in the development of the time line, strategy, and possible funding sources for beginning new churches. It is our belief that effective church development, encompassing strong continuing churches and new churches that survive, is possible because of a solid foundation based on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are always seeking leadership for new and renewing congregations. We need pastors who have a passion for evangelism and sharing the good news of Christ, who are entrepreneurial in leadership style and are excellent in preaching and worship leadership. If you or someone you know is interested in being considered to lead a new or renewing congregation please contact the Evangelism Ministry Team.

Faith and Finances in the Pentecostal Church: Another key way in which the Evangelism Ministry Team strengthens the mission of the local church in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ is in its work in sustaining the mission of the church through wise investments and stewardship of those investments.

Contemporary Worship Service in Reno: Crosswinds Assembly of God is a contemporary Christian church in Reno where we place a special emphasis on praising and worshiping God as one body, and we love to do it! We see the importance in bringing our best to the Lord, seeking to honor the Lord not just in our music, but in our lifestyles. Here at Crosswinds Reno we are always looking to stretch, grow and expand in how we worship the Lord. High energy praise and worship is what we're all about and we seek to encourage people to worship as they feel led. From our regular Sunday and Wednesday church services to our Youth group services, you can find a worship environment that suits you.

Contemporary Christian Church: We have a very diverse array of singers and musicians that encompass our many worship bands. We are always inclusive with our worship bands, looking to add those who not only have a heart and a passion for God, but are skilled and faithful as musicians. If leading people in worship is your calling, we'd love to have you! Musician or not, Crosswinds is a great place to worship the Lord.

The Crosswinds Worship Ministry extends beyond music to include the sound and video functions that are an integral part of the music ministry. We have an excellent staff of soundboard and overhead operators who give us great audio/visual capabilities. Another very important aspect of this ministry is the prayer that is offered to God prior to the undertaking of any ministry. Have a heart for graphic design, equalizing, or prayer?... Give us a call.